About Successful Advertising

If you want to make more sales and improve all other aspects of your business, then you will have to use the help of the advertising and promotion. And if you have any experience with it, than you know you can use one of two main types of advertising- online and offline. Although each of them have its own benefits and drawbacks, we advise you to combine both approach and get the best possible results.
We all know how promotion and advertising are important for all business we can find these days. And it just doesn’t matter are we talking about classic “brick and mortar” business or online one. If people don’t know about your product or service, you will not have any chances to stay on the top. It is said the real power of the Coke is not in the taste, but in the marketing and brand. It is estimated that, more than 90 percent of this popular drink is marketing and the rest is the taste. This is just one example of how marketing affects our business.
As we said in the beginning, you should combine both methods, especially if you have brand new product you want to present on the market. Just think about it.
Online marketing is great because more and more people spend their time on the global net and you can reach a huge number of people without any problem. On the other hand, not all people use internet and modern technologies. Because of this, you have to consider and take into account the old or traditional ways of promotion. This includes billboards, newspaper ad, radio advertising and similar things.
You just have to be aware that not all people reacts the same on different methods of promotion. This means that you will have to find a way that would be the best for your business.

Whether Your Child Is Lazy Or Dyslexic? Part 2

In schools the situation is somewhat better introduction of inclusion but that dyslexia is still not fully recognized at educators, psychologists and even among parents. They avoid seeking of the individual education plan for the child because they themselves have no awareness that he needed a different approach due to their specific thought process.

Dyslexic children have problems in the left-right orientation, often Umayya cross-dominance, the right hand to them is dominant and left ear, left leg. They have a high capacity to constructively solve visual problems and all understand the three-dimensional, but have difficulties with the details given in one plane, two-dimensional.


It often happens that if you do not learn the letters as Three-dimensional symbols, I can teach them, the slower read and write or mistake with syllables, replaced by similar letters when entering the order finished it a few lines below, because they can not control this space.

In supporting these children is very important that the child does not feel inferior and to support its strong points, such as the example to answer verbally, written assignments can be made so that the little child says and that is rounded, or linking to it the reading lessons …

Whether Your Child Is Lazy Or Dyslexic?


Dyslexia, and difficulty reading, writing, up to ten percent of children in Serbia but this disturbance in young people most often not recognized in time as is attributed to the lazy, spoiled, and this is a wrong approach has negative consequences for the psychological development of the child and the whole society.

If a problem is detected in time, dyslexic child has much to accomplish in school and in life it is often referring to people with above-average intelligence

She cited the example of a student who has dyslexia and a few days ago at the Faculty of Mathematics graduate with straight A’s.
Dyslexia is detected in school, when the child learns to read and write but those skills can not master like his peers. It often faces misunderstanding of teachers, so students get bad marks because they are judged by criteria that are not adapted to them.

With these bad marks dropping them self-confidence, they can not give their best so happens that because of the lack of understanding of the environment out of the school, and this may mean for society and the loss of a genius.


When Your Baby Is Ready For Potty Training

Some babies stop to pee in a diaper and before their first birthday, while others need more time. When and how will your baby “come out” of the closet and finally start to pee like a “big” depends, primarily, from itself, but also the manner in which you’ve persuaded to move to the potty.

“Getting out of diapers” is one of the biggest steps in your baby’s life, and demands that she felt when it is ready to make it.


If the child but with less than a year he wants to be “as big” and to express a desire to use the toilet, because in diapers longer feels most comfortable – you just have luck! But there are also children who is all it takes considerably more time. If your baby falls into the latter group, even then you have no reason to worry – you should know that some kids celebrate its third birthday in diapers.

What is important and what you should pay attention are signs which indicate when the baby is ready to make this big step. Only force can not force you to move to the potty or the toilet bowl before she herself does not show interest.

Fear of “big heads”

One of the most important things is that the babies are often afraid of “big heads” because it is the great unknown (must admit that from the perspective of your child it looks really great) where things just disappear and discharged and scary sounds when you withdraw water.

Even if you managed to coax the child to the potty, do not expect that everything will immediately go smoothly and you will not be “incidents” – know that they are initially quite normal because the toddler is learning how to control what had until then without problems could to perform whenever (and where) wanted.

The baby usually wants to use potty between 18 and 24 months. If your child is younger and has already shown a willingness to begin “potty training”, you are one happy mom.

About Online Sale And Advertising

It is not the secret that if you want to boost you sale, no matter of its type, you just have to use the Internet. It is something that nobody, even the biggest skeptic, would deny. The reason for this is the global network has become absolute the most powerful selling tool. And it is especially effective for the products that can be described as best-selling products.
One of the main reasons why Internet is so powerful when it comes to sale is that more and more people have access to the global net and they spend more and more time searching for the useful information. Global net is not only place for the fun or something like that. It is more a place where people can learn and educate themselves. And this is definitely a very powerful motivational factor. When you know this, then it would be ridiculous not to use it. Of course, it is your choice.
Today, you can buy really anything via Internet- from the complete house, hotel to the small toothbrush. If you want to buy something, you just have to type it in the search box and the results will pop up. Even if there are no online store available in your country, results from the most famous online services like Amazon or Ali Express will definitely be among the results. This is your chance. You can start selling your own product or you can join some of the numerous affiliate programs.
Now, you have to think about what you want to sell. This is the most important decision you will have to make because everything else depends on this.

What Do Babies Do In The First Hour After Birth

Researchers from Sweden have decided to carry out research to find out exactly what babies are doing in the first hour of his life.
They followed 28 babies and recorded their every reaction. Look at the results of this research.


First minute: The baby makes loud cry to her lungs activated.
Another minute: After the first cry, the baby relaxes and lies motionless on the mother’s breast. The study’s authors believe that babies are suspended in order to hide from potential predators. It is the instinct.
Between the second and third minutes: baby first opens his eyes and moving his head and mouth.
Eight minutes: A baby becomes active and keep your eyes open for five minutes. Begins to feel hunger and turns his head towards the mother’s breast.
Eighteen minutes: The baby is asleep.
Sixty minutes: First breastfeeding – baby swallows smaller amounts of colostrum (first milk), my mother’s breasts are stimulated and begin to produce milk.
Seventieth minutes: A baby sleeps.

Women With Big Butts Give Birth To Smarter Children

The researchers found that the brain development of babies, especially during lactation, relying on fat reserves that come from my mother’s thighs and buttocks.

According to Professor Will Lasek, the University of Pittsburgh, in the fats that are found in the women’s buttocks and thighs is a high level of DHA (Dokozaheksaenoinska acid) which is actually omega-3 fatty acid is the primary structural component of the human brain cerebral cortex.

DHA is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. In addition, DHA is necessary for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. Turning abundant DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA directly associated with deficits in learning, ističui scientists.

We love big ass, and here’s why, jokes the researchers, because it helps babies to properly develop the brain. One should not forget that the baby’s brain develops during breastfeeding.
In his extensive research, Professor. Lasek still says that compared with men and other primates in the wild, females have more of total body fat. The distribution of body fat is also very different. The bodies of mammals and primates usually have about 5-10% fat, but in women the percentage is as much as 30% on average.

The researchers also found that the amount of fat from these parts of the body directly affects the baby’s survival but also the intelligence of the child.
In one part of the above mentioned scientific study says that it takes a lot of fat to the buttocks and thighs so that they are rich in DHA. It seems that women have evolved to accumulate fat and until the baby arrives, said prof. Lasek.

So scientists like big buttocks and rounded thighs. Even those men who are not involved in science recognized that attract them ecstatic, big buttocks.

Baby’s Senses Develop In Mom’s Stomach

Occasionally feel the baby’s movement, shot or a slight tingle in your stomach? Then probably wonder what it baby works …
Pregnancy brings many changes in your life – adapting numerous physical transformations, new responsibilities, replacing priorities … At the same time, much of this takes place within your body, and the main protagonist of this event is – none other than your baby.
Even before you feel its first movements in the womb, babies acquire different experiences. Perhaps it sounds unbelievable, but your uterus is a training ground where bebac exercise your senses
And so, while you’re waiting for her arrival, she is prepared for the outside world. And here’s how …

It explores your senses …
The baby responds to sound, light and movement while still in the womb. The sense of hearing is fully developed between 24 and 28 weeks of intrauterine life. So you will probably notice that responds to voices and music by leap or kicking to sudden, loud noises. Experience shows that babies initially better hear deeper sounds of lower frequencies. This means that the chances are great that the father’s voice register before you, what is the reason that your partner before you start to “talk” to your stomach.
Also, the baby will react to the sudden drop in temperature, which occurs, for example, when you drink a cold beverage.
From the 28th week, the baby’s eyes begin to open and it can detect changes of day and night in the environment, thanks to the fact that the uterus does not rule completely dark. The baby can even turn glavcu to the light from the environment.
She learns to eat …
Many babies suck their thumbs, sometimes already between 14 and 16 weeks, which is a kind of preparation for sucking after birth. According to the results of a British study on ultrasound monitoring of intrauterine life, there were babies often prefer to suck the thumb of one hand, which may indicate whether the child lives in predominantly use the left or right hand.
It … exercise
From the twentieth week onwards baby begins to make the rings back and forth. However, this does not mean that you will give birth to a future Olympian, but only that the child enjoys the space that has. The degree and type of exercise depends on the stage of baby’s development, as well as the size of the space at the disposal. These turns can feel, but not mandatory. Generally, after 32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby will not remain much room for these exhibitions.
It develops a sense of taste …
Around 24 weeks of intrauterine life the baby can feel the taste and smell of amniotic fluid, which arise under the influence of a mother eats and drinks. Studies show that frequent consumption of garlic during pregnancy develops baby’s preference for this spice. This means that a varied diet during pregnancy on the basis of the child’s tendency to different foods.
It amused …
As soon as the baby begins to move, playing the thumbs, fingers, even the umbilical cord! In addition, if you often listen to a song, you will notice that the baby recognizes.
She dreams of …
Ultrasonic examination (4D) shows brain activity baby during sleep. This recording recorded as REM sleep a child, during which you dream. Scientists believe that this is the way a baby processes sensory experience and the information received in the waking state, which is great preparation for exploring the closest people of the world who will surround and life in the future.