Whether Your Child Is Lazy Or Dyslexic? Part 2

In schools the situation is somewhat better introduction of inclusion but that dyslexia is still not fully recognized at educators, psychologists and even among parents. They avoid seeking of the individual education plan for the child because they themselves have no awareness that he needed a different approach due to their specific thought process.

Dyslexic children have problems in the left-right orientation, often Umayya cross-dominance, the right hand to them is dominant and left ear, left leg. They have a high capacity to constructively solve visual problems and all understand the three-dimensional, but have difficulties with the details given in one plane, two-dimensional.


It often happens that if you do not learn the letters as Three-dimensional symbols, I can teach them, the slower read and write or mistake with syllables, replaced by similar letters when entering the order finished it a few lines below, because they can not control this space.

In supporting these children is very important that the child does not feel inferior and to support its strong points, such as the example to answer verbally, written assignments can be made so that the little child says and that is rounded, or linking to it the reading lessons …

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