Find Out What The Rules Should Be Respected When Raising Babies


These are the latest recommendations when it comes to the most basic and most well-known guidelines for training babies.
Just like changing the rules when it comes to nutrition, exercise mode or taking care of their own health also change the “rules” when it comes to raising and educating children, in this case, specifically mean the baby is not older than one year .
We all pretty much know that they are written rules when it comes to care about babies, but these rules can change over the years, but we bring you the latest recommendations of health professionals around the world when it comes to some of the most basic and most well-known guidelines.


Safer driving in the car. So far, almost all organizations advised that babies in their autoseats ride facing the back seat before the first birthday, and the latest recommendations say that a baby should drive upside down until the second year or until they grow autoseat.

The advantage called dummy. Although previously advised mothers to babies do not try to give a pacifier if you are breastfeeding because it may affect the baby a stop sucking on their own initiative, a new rule says that it is desirable to put the baby to bed with a pacifier even if only breast-feeding. In fact, studies have shown that sucking pacifiers during sleep reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death.

Yards in cribs. Does your toddler into a crib is a cute picket fence with some children’s pattern whose purpose is keeping the baby’s head that does not hit the hardwood? We are sure that most of you who are reading this text nodding. The latest findings say that from the crib should remove all soft material because there is a risk that the baby buried her face in these materials which can lead to danger.

Solid food. All health organizations have so far advised parents not to give children food allergen before the first birthday, but that is now changing. In fact, some doctors argue that babies before the age of one year be given a small amount of peanut butter, it’s just that it does not have a piece. If you decide to take this step be sure to consult a doctor.

Care teeth. Until now it was believed that children under two years one should not use toothpaste that contains fluoride, a new rule states that the paste with fluoride can be used as soon as the first tooth. The old rule was valid because it was believed that children do not know well enough to spit toothpaste while brushing, but considering that the number of children with caries in the teeth growing experts have changed their minds. It is important to use the minimum amount of paste.

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